3 Marketing Tips to Sell Your Book

By Arizona Coffea Editorial Team


You’ve finally reached the goal of becoming an author. You went through the writing process, the grueling, yet needed editing. You made it all the way to publishing, started marketing the best you know how to everyone you know, only to realize that your book is not selling. This has to be one of the biggest disappointments an author experiences. Doubt in yourself begins to settle in. You question your writing skills and wonder if you should give up your dream of being a published author.

If you have fallen into this category, you are not alone. According to Forbes.com, authors have received a decline in earnings in recent years. Due to fierce competition with self-publishing, it's become difficult for an author to stand out in the crowd. Although the competition is there, this should not stop you from pursuing your dream. Here are some relevant, yet simple marketing strategies you can use to market your book and getting it in front of the right audience.

#1. Know your audience

You may have heard this before, however, this tip is simple and often overlooked. Many authors are eager to get their book in front of everyone, that they fail to realize that not everyone will want to read their book. You can find who your audience by following these simple steps:

Conduct a survey. Facebook allows you to post a poll on your page. Do a quick poll of your followers to see what is their genre of interest. This can allow you to hone in on the ones who may show your book interest. You can also use Survey Monkey, which allows you to do surveys for free. Post it on your social media sites to see where who are your potential buyers.

You can also find a Facebook group for your genre. When doing this, make sure there are readers in those groups, not just authors. If you can't find one, create your own reader community.

#2. Run a preorder campaign

Preorders set the tone and prepare your audience for your book. There are a number of ways you can run a preorder. You can do a cover reveal. This creates buzz for your upcoming book. Offer free items in exchange for a preorder. For example, you can create t-shirts, pens, mugs, etc., as Swag to get your audience excited and ready to purchase.

#3. Set up a blog

Create a platform for yourself. You can use this blog to discuss your process as an author. Let your audience know the real you. The more connected your audience is to you, the more willing they are to purchase your book.

These are just a few tips to get you started. If you are interested in learning more, subscribe now to receive free weekly updates. Have any tips that worked for you? Comment below and tell us your story.


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